Self Rental Lease Agreement

  • 10/12/2021

As a copy editor, I have seen a lot of different types of legal documents, but one that is becoming increasingly popular is the self rental lease agreement. This type of agreement is used by people who own properties and want to rent them out to themselves, often for tax purposes. In this article, we’ll discuss what a self rental lease agreement is, why it might be advantageous to use one, and what you should include in the agreement to make sure it’s legally sound.

What is a self rental lease agreement?

A self rental lease agreement is a legal document that is used when a property owner rents a property to themselves. This type of agreement is often used by people who own investment properties that they want to use for personal purposes, such as a second home or a vacation home. The agreement lays out the terms of the rental, including the rent amount, the duration of the lease, and any other conditions that the parties agree upon.

Why use a self rental lease agreement?

There are several reasons why someone might want to use a self rental lease agreement. One of the most common reasons is for tax purposes. By renting a property to yourself, you can deduct expenses such as mortgage interest, property taxes, and repairs on your tax return. This can result in significant tax savings.

Another reason you might want to use a self rental lease agreement is if you want to use your investment property for personal use but still want to generate rental income from it. For example, if you own a vacation home, you could rent it to yourself when you’re not using it and generate income from it year-round.

What should be included in a self rental lease agreement?

When creating a self rental lease agreement, it’s important to include all of the necessary details to ensure that the agreement is legally sound. Here are some of the key things that should be included:

1. Rent amount: This is the amount that you will pay yourself each month in rent.

2. Lease term: This is the duration of the lease, typically in months.

3. Security deposit: If you require a security deposit, make sure to include the amount and any conditions for returning it.

4. Maintenance and repairs: Define who is responsible for maintenance and repairs, and specify any conditions for making repairs.

5. Occupancy: Define who will be occupying the property and any conditions for guests.

6. Termination: Define the conditions under which the lease can be terminated, such as non-payment of rent or violation of the lease agreement.


A self rental lease agreement can be a beneficial tool for property owners who want to rent their properties to themselves. It’s important to ensure that the agreement is legally sound and includes all of the necessary details to protect both parties. If you’re considering using a self rental lease agreement, consult with a legal professional to ensure that your agreement is valid and enforceable.