Which Sentence Would Correct the Shift in Agreement

  • 15/08/2023

When it comes to writing, maintaining agreement between subjects and verbs is crucial. Agreement issues can often lead to confusion and misunderstandings for readers. One common issue is a shift in agreement, where the subject and verb combination changes mid-sentence. For example, “The cat walks across the street, but they run away when they see the car.”

To correct a shift in agreement, you need to ensure that the subject and verb match throughout the sentence. Here are some tips on how to do so:

1. Identify the subject: The subject is the noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. Make sure to identify the correct subject in each sentence to ensure proper agreement.

2. Match the subject with the verb: The verb in a sentence should agree with the subject in number. If the subject is singular, use a singular verb. If the subject is plural, use a plural verb.

3. Look out for phrases: Sometimes, a prepositional phrase can come between the subject and verb, causing confusion. Ensure that the verb agrees with the subject and not the phrase.

4. Read the sentence aloud: Reading the sentence aloud can help you identify any agreement issues. If it doesn`t sound right, there`s likely a problem.

To correct the example sentence, you could change it to “The cat walks across the street, but runs away when it sees the car.” Here, we`ve maintained agreement between the singular subject “cat” and the singular verb “runs.”

In conclusion, maintaining agreement between subjects and verbs is essential for clear and concise writing. By following the tips above, you can easily correct any agreement shifts in your writing.